Monday, October 29, 2007


Living with my husband has been very unsettling lately. His behavior is unpredictable and sometimes difficult to deal with. I decided to do a little research and I believe my husband is going through "male menopause". I have learned through my research that men go through similar hormone changes that women go through when they experience menopause. A lot of stuff has happened to us and our family in the last year, and most of it has not all that positive. My husband's father died in the Spring, and that really sent things into a tailspin. All of a sudden, my husband wanted to move and change jobs, so we did even though I did not want to . We are now living in an area that is totally foreign and isolated and I am unhappy. I am not sure that the move has made my husband happy either. Nothing seems to satisfy him. He is angry all the time and takes it out on all of us. I am learning that most of his problem is him, me or the girls. He gets upset at the slightest little things, so we just need to step back and let him feel his feelings. I really don't know what else to do. I cannot control his behavior or his reactions to what is going on around him. I understand now why so many marriages start to deteriorate during this time. "Man-opause" is real and very unpleasant!

Friday, October 26, 2007

One More for the Heap Today

Just another quick post for today: Why is it that my husband thinks he should have a say-so in what kind of dining furniture I pick for our kitchen? His idea of decorating in putting a bust of Napolean on top of the refrigerator and hanging a few disgusting pictures of French battlefields on the walls. Ugh! What do I care if he doesn't want a black table in the kitchen? Why can't he just let me get what is useful to me in the house and not have to put up such a fuss? I have never made him sleep on pink sheets or use flowered towels. Why should I have to have a house full of Nepoleanic crap?

The Start of Something New

I am starting a new blog dedicated to the words all women have to say. Clearly, we all have a lot to get off our chests and this is a virtual dump for that. This is a place to say what you want; throw it on the heap and let it go. I have found through the years that writing my feelings out is cathartic, but now blogging is even better than writing with pen and paper. Others might read what you write and may share the same feelings, or may disagree. The "Trash Heap" is here for you.

For today, I am throwing my feelings of loneliness on the heap. I am tired of feeling lonely. I need to take some action, but I am feeling stuck. I am in a new town, in a new state, with no neighbors, friends or family around for support. I need to get up and out of this funk and make a move toward acting like I belong here. Today I think I will check out a nearby church to see if it offers anything that I can be a part of.

Readers, please feel free to throw something on the heap or respond to anything that is here.