Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Walking Dead Season 3!

Is anyone else out there as excited as I am about the new season of The Walking Dead?  My husband and I have been watching this series since its first season. It has to be one of the best series on television right now. It seems unlikely that a forty-something woman would enjoy a zombie apocalypse show as much as I do, but I am not joking, it is an excellent drama! There are so many things that can be learned from the show and so many moral dilemmas that it is impossible to watch the show and not have a deep and lengthy discussion about it afterward. I LOVE the show and I cannot wait for the October 14 premiere!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy-Year 3

We are now a couple of months into our third year of paying off our debts through a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. With all honesty, I have to say that things seem a tiny bit easier now. I am not sure if I have just become accustomed to living life on the brink of falling off  a cliff with nothing to catch me, or if things have truly become more of a way of life for us. For so many things, we have just had to let go. We don't go on vacations--not even day trips or family visits. We are no longer able to purchase the healthiest, natural foods at the grocery store, we conserve and do without a lot of stuff we used to take for granted. I am now working full time and my husband has taken on a second job, so we have a little more money to work with, but we still have to be extremely careful with how we spend our money each week. We also still worry that at anytime, something could go wrong with our house, or our cars or our health and then we don't really know how we would handle it. We have no savings at all anymore. Every penny we make that doesn't get paid to the trustee goes to our monthly living expenses. One other rather disturbing development has been that I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Not just high blood pressure, but DANGEROUSLY high high blood pressure. 198/110 was high enough to make the doctor not allow me to leave her office until it came down a little and she prescribed medication for blood pressure and an antidepressant. Living on the edge of financial ruin everyday for the last three years has taken its toll. Our marriage has been rough, our relationships with friends and family have changed, and our health has certainly changed. These are all things that no one tells you about when you meet with lawyers and credit counselors. These are the things that you must find a way to shore up before you take the plunge into a Chapter 13. Good luck!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Fever Comes Early

We have had three days of record high temperatures this week. It is still technically winter, but it feels like late June, early July. The grass is turning green and there are little buds on my weeping cherry tree. I do believe Spring Fever has broken out at my house! I am not a radical global warming alarmist, but it does seem that our weather has been strange. We have had other years like this, when we went straight from winter to summer, so I guess I do believe that weather is not static and that our planet is a living, "breathing", ever-changing entity. Weather seems to cycle around and everyone wants to pin blame on a lot of different things. I choose not to blame, but to look at it as our planet doing what it needs to do to continue giving us what we need. We also need to do as much as we can to help our planet thrive. Happy (early) Spring!