Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Okay, I might have posted about this before, but it is really becoming a problem. My husband snores, snorts, farts, shakes the bed, moans and makes all other sorts of disgusting sounds in his sleep. It is killing our relationship and he thinks I'm making it all up. I dread going to bed with him. I love the idea of having a peaceful, dreamy, relaxed sleep, but I can't remember the last time I had that. My husband hears what I am saying about all the noise and junk he brings on at night; he even went so far as to purchase those Breathe Right nose strips, but he has yet to open the box. I think my husband thinks its funny, but I am now to the point where I am angry. It isn't my fault that I have to sleep out on the sofa or in one of my kids' rooms, but he acts all indignant when he wakes up in the morning and I haven't slept in that hellish bed with him. It is ruining our relationship, and he thinks it's funny. He also emits this terrible sweating, old man sort of stench when he sleeps and I can't bear to be around it. I don't know what to do because I have told him how I feel and he just blows me off. I am open to any suggestions.

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