Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Daily Affirmation

These days I have been feeling like that weird character  Al Franken played during his stint on Saturday Night Live. The the character was Stuart Smalley, and the skit was "Daily Affirmation with Stuart Smalley." With all the junk that has been happening in my life right now, I decided that I was going to continue to try to be positive. The bankruptcy looming large, trouble in my marriage and my youngest kiddo having some health problems just seem too much to bear, but I really do think a positive attitude will make things turn around. Even with the bad stuff happening all around me, there are also good things mixed in. I try to find something really great to be happy about each day. I also think that I am going to have to be the one who digs us out of this financial crap hole, so I think that staying positive might just invite an opportunity for me to change our situation around. So, in the words of Stuart Smalley, today I am repeating to myself: I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!" That's my daily affirmation, I hope it helps!

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