Friday, September 10, 2010

Climate Change Change

Yesterday I was looking back at an old blog post I had written about two years ago on another blog site. The post was written after on of my kids came home with her science textbook and a section of the book was talking about how "man" was causing polar bears to become extinct. I really didn't care for the way the book was written and I really started to think about what that particular textbook author's agenda really was.
Notice that two years later the term "global warming" is no longer used. Now we hear about "climate change" which was exactly what I wrote about in my other blog. After posting that blog that was simply stating that man cannot be blamed for every change that is happening, but certainly holds some responsibility for it, I got the nastiest, most caustic and mean comments I think I have ever had for one of my posts. Not even the infamous "Campbell's Soup Commercial" post I wrote on this site got as nasty. Anyway, I can't believe those readers were so quick to say how ignorant, arrogant, and out of touch I was because I simply stated that the earth is not a rock that never changes. It is a living, changing planet that goes through changes on its own without any regard to what man has or has not done. Many animals have died out that we have had nothing to do with. I wondered in that old post if it is our place or not to intervene. The readers who commented about that statement compared me to someone who would through a cat out of a high rise window. They made those comments because they were so convinced that they were right. They were continually bashed me for saying that humans actually do have dominion over animals and we are supposed to be good stewards of our animals and resources, but I do not believe that a polar bear's life is more important than a child's life.Those bloggers were absolutely convinced that man is evil and that animals have more rights than humans. To this day, I cannot understand that kind of thinking. Man, in general is not the enemy. Things that man has done without thinking things through, have obviously impacted the earth in a negative way, but man did not set out to pollute and corrupt the earth. The industrialization of this country was not some sort of evil plan that "man" laid out ruin the planet. That is so ridiculous. So, here we are a couple of years later. I am, at times, a little uneasy about what to blog about. Those terrible comments really hurt--even though I did not intend for what I wrote to be taken so seriously--it was just my usual pondering about things and I was ripped to shreds. I was so upset by the comments that I quit using that blog site to post anything. I also find it interesting that only two years have passed, and our terminology has changed, our sense of urgency about the polar bears' plight has cooled down, and some corruption in the scientific world concerning the truth and validity of their "global warming" facts have come to light. Again, I am not saying that we (man) are not culpable in what is happening to our natural resources. I am saying that we need to be smart about our actions in response to what we are being told about climate change and how we live our lives day to day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"man cannot be blamed for every change that is happening"

There are plenty of people who believe that man is responsible for everything that is happening. Many of them teach school age children. Here is a short list of some of the things man is being blamed for, it grows daily.

The great thing is that the longer the list gets, the less credibility the alarmists have.