Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Impact2818 Camp

Three of the girls are at camp this week. We have travelled nearly 600 miles to get them there. Last year was the first year they went to camp. It is the same camp I went to when I was a child. When we lived in Fort Wayne, the camps were relatively close--less than an hour to get there. This year is a totally different story, but making the extra effort to send the girls back to the camp they loved was really important. The memories of the camp experience will probably stick with them their whole lives. The camps happen to be United Methodist camps, so they also have a religious element to them, which is a bonus in my book. My girls need all the God they can get! The camps are run with precision and the directors and counselors have every element down to a science, so I am confident that the girls are safe and having a good, yet supervised, time. Sending your kid away by themselves for a week seems like a difficult thing, but this particular camp makes that week away seem easy. If you would like to learn more about the impact2818 camps, you can visit them at www.impact2818.com.

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