Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Road Trip!

Tomorrow is the big day! All four girls and I are taking a road trip back home to Indiana. It seems strange, but I am more excited about going there than I was about going to Disney World last week. It has been almost a year since we moved and I am still very homesick, as are all the rest of my family. I think only the dog is happy here, and really, she is just happy anywhere we are. There are only 397 days left until we can make a clean break from here, and I just can't wait. My husband said something the other night as we were getting ready for bed. It was sort of funny, but sad at the same time, and I was feeling the same way. He said, "You know how when you are on a vacation, and you are getting toward the end of it and you are sort of looking forward to getting back home? Well, I was thinking that, and then I remembered what home we were going back to, and I wasn't so ready to go back." When we were boarding the airplane heading from Orlando to Dulles, I had forgotten that we weren't going home, home, we were going to the Virginia home, and I too, was feeling a little let down. I think this summer and the next school year will go fast as they all seem to do, and in no time, we will be looking toward finding a new home, back home and that will be one of the happiest days in my life!

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