Friday, January 16, 2009

Stop Crying! Your Tears Will Freeze!

I had to apologize this morning to my seven-year-old. Every single morning, that kid cannot find her shoes. This morining was no different. It was time for the bus to come and she couldn't find her shows. I crabbed at her and raled about how you should always put your things in the same place so that you can find them easily the next morning. On and on I went, reducing her to tears. After I remembered that she had taken her tennies off in the basement to put on her winter boots, she was ready to go. The last thing I said to her as she went out the door was, "Wipe those tears off your face, they will freeze." It was 2 degrees this morning when she hustled down the crispy driveway to catch the bus. Fast forward. . . I take my shower and get ready to go to my daughter's school because I help in her classroom on Friday mornings. I get completely dressed, but I couldn't find my tennis shoes! I looked all over and could not find those darn things. Of course, I hear the very words I shouted so nastily to my daughter going around and around in my head! I never did find my shoes; I had to pull on my super-cool cowboy boots and scoot out the door. The last thing I said to myself this morning as I went out the door into the frigid morning air was, "Stop crying, your tears will freeze!" Man, it's tough to be a mom sometimes!

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