Friday, July 17, 2009

Glenn Beck Needs to Take a Vacation!

Just listened to the latest craziness coming out of Glenn Beck. Once upon a time, I listened to his radio show. I sometimes still catch it on occasion, but he has become someone who is not of sound mind anymore. There doesn't seem to be a logical thought coming out of him. He has become a character who does nothing but spew out sarcastic, hateful comments about anyone or anything that different than him and his opinions. I thought he touted being a "Christian," and having high standards and morals and compassion for all people. If he is an example of a good Christian, no wonder people have low opinions of them. On the most recent of his radio meltdowns, he starts out mocking a caller who, had she been given the chance to speak, might have had something relevant to say about our nation's health care system, and then he continues to degrade her, but offer no sound, logical response to what she was trying to say. It all ends with him screaming a non-human sounding scream into the phone. I wonder if his family is proud of the "work" he does? If I behaved like that, I think my family would no longer speak to me. What shameful behavior, even for a radio character. It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't claim to be a righteous, upstanding "Christian" but his character is nothing of the sort. It is just this sort of behavior from the conservative side that makes the liberal side try to do crazy things like change absolutely everything from health care to education, to national security to banking, to every other aspect of our lives. Neither side has good answers, and no one is listening. Crazy is as crazy does. We need calm, logical, compassionate, real people to lead this country, not any of this stupidity. If you want to, and can tolerate the screaming, you can listen to the telephone exchange on YouTube, just search for "Glenn Beck Loses It" and there you can judge for yourself.
******Just in case Mr. Beck needs to be reminded, I remember a certain video he made of himself after he had surgery on his hemorrhoids (can't imagine why he would have that problem). He was going on and on about how terrible the American health care system was. Things only matter when he is directly impacted. . . . .

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