Friday, July 10, 2009

My Theory on Why Seagulls Flock to Parking Lots

I don't know why people don't seem to give my theory on why seagulls flock to parking lots. I do not live near any body of water. I live in the north eastern part of Indiana. Sure, there are a few lakes around here, but we are at least a couple of hours away from Lake Michigan, so why do seagulls seem to always congregate in the Target store parking lots? Well, I'll tell you my theory. You know how on a sunny day when you look out over a parking lot and it looks like there is a large puddle in it--a small lake mirage, if you will? Yeah, that! I think the seagull with there walnut sized brains think it is water. And what Target (or WalMart) parking lot isn't complete without french fries or other food scraps that people have dropped or tossed out? Seagulls love that stuff. I don't think it is such a strange theory, but people look at me like I am the stupidest person in the world when I tell them what I think. So far, no one else has come up with a better explanation. I'm sticking with mine!


MeanDonnaJean said...

Wanna hear the half-assed explanations that *I've* been given? That the parking lot USED TO BE a body of water. Yep, that's correct! So apparently, every stinkin' parking lot in the good ol' U S of A was once a body of water.

How'd ya like THAT one?

Hippopop said...

I think my theory is much more logical, but that one is so funny!