Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Stop the Snoring!

I can't stand it anymore. My husband snores all night, every night and it is really becoming a problem for me. Last night the snoring was so loud and strong that the bed was actually moving with each of the loud snores. I just don't know what to do. In the past, I have hauled myself out to the sofa, but since I am the first one up in the morning and have to get up to get all the kids up and ready for school, I don't like to be away from the radio alarm. I also am a bit selfish too because I always think, "Why the heck should I be the one who has to leave the comfortable bed? I'm not disturbing anyone!" We have been married for nearly twenty years and my husband has been a snorer pretty much our whole marriage. Lately, it seems the snoring has gotten worse. The jerking of the whole bed is more than I can handle. When I try to redirect my husband by asking him to turn over or move or something, he is offended. He also gets offended when he wakes up in the morning and I am not in the bed. When I tell him it is because of his snoring, he gets defensive. I just don't get it. I have asked him to take allergy medicine to see if that helps, and he is what medical experts would consider obese, but he doesn't have any motivation to change anything to improve the problem. I am at my wit's end. I need some sleep! Please, please do something to stop the snoring!

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