Friday, October 16, 2009

Yikes! Anita Dunn is Scary!

Even though I am not affiliated with the Republican party, nor am I particularly conservative, I listen to the Glenn Beck radio show now and then. He fascinates me because his is so hysterically conservative. He deserves credit for being so passionate about what he believes. He also annoys the heck out of me because he cries like a baby and is hyper-critical about everyone who doesn't share his exact views, and he doesn't offer any real solutions for the problems he points out, but I do find him intriguing. Yesterday on his radio show, he claimed that his folks had uncovered a "damning" video of the current Communications Director for the Obama administration, Anita Dunn. He teased it for awhile and said that he could not reveal what was on the video until his television show on Fox News at 5:00 pm. Glenn Beck is nothing if not a great showman. Anyway, I decided to tune into his show to check out what all the drama was about.

Poor Glenn Beck! He is absolutely going to have a heart attack one of these days. He gets so worked up and frenetic that he is going to burst some important and vital organ one of these days! With that being said, I have to say that the video of Anita Dunn was disturbing on a couple of levels. First of all, anyone who has such a horrible case of cotton mouth (the noises from her mouth and the tongue getting thrust out every third word was hideous to look at) is, in my opinion either very nervous about speaking in front of people, or very nervous about the content of the speech. Anita Dunn seems to admire Mao Tse Tung. That seems like someone who should not be in a high government position. Oddly enough, Glenn Beck has this one right. Second, don't people who are being considered for jobs at the White House have to go through some sort of screening and security check? My husband is an engineer for ITT and has to go through a thorough background/security check every few years. If they found him to be a Maoist, I think he would no longer be in the same (pretty lowly) job there. How is it that so many questionable people are being put in such high level jobs these days. What kind of change is going on? Glenn Beck is crazy, but he might be onto something here. . .


Anonymous said...

Isn't that tungue thrust indicative of long term use
of Lithium? the antipsychotic drug used in mental wards?????????

Hippopop said...

Very disturbing!