Friday, January 15, 2010

Facebook Stealing From Blogging

I have noticed something in recent months. I have been blogging much less in the past few months compared to last year. I was wondering why this was when it occurred to me that last year I was not a part of Facebook, and this year I am. It seemed like last year I had opinion about everything and I would blog about all my opinions; this year, not so much. There are different circumstances this year that have made my blogging habits change as well. Last year was all the excitement and hoopla about the Presidential election--I had a lot to say about that. Last year we were trying to sell our house in Virginia and move back to Indiana. I had a lot of blog entries about that as well. I was living alone in Virginia with three of my four daughters last year, while my oldest and my husband were living here in Indiana--I had a lot of time to blog. This year is a whole different story. We are all back together, living in Indiana. Finances aren't what they should be for us, so I just haven't been all that motivated to do anything but worry about where money is going to come from, and the biggest thing is that I have a Facebook account. I have been a little slow on the draw, but it has been fun catching up with high school and college friends that I lost touch with years ago. It has been interesting checking out what my two older daughters talk about with their friends, and it has been amazing to me how much time can be spent/wasted trying to build up a farm in "Farmville," or a fish tank in "Fish World." A lot of time has been wasted playing Farkle and Pathwords, so that is why it feels like my blogging has been stolen from me. I stole it from myself. Frankly, the interactive part of Facebook has been really good for me. I have re-established relationships with cousins, and have been able to keep up with friends we left behind in Virginia. The change in how I spend my time, while perhaps a bit more wasteful, has had some benefit, and I don't mind too much.

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