Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Where Have All the Good Men Gone?

What an awful day for both political parties today! In my home state, the shocking resignation of Representative Mark Souder has thrown everyone in a tizzy. On the Democratic side, that Blumenthal guy lied about serving in Vietnam. I just don't get it. Where are all the fine, upstanding men (and women) who could/should be serving as our country's leaders. The whole Mark Souder thing really gets me. I haven't liked him very often, but he has been in office for a long time, so I am used to him, and his "family values" speeches and I just don't get it. The guy is from Grabill, Indiana for goodness sake! The place is tiny, has a large population of Amish, and is not the kind of place you would think would produce a guy who acts like he is the moral authority on everything, but conducts his personal life in a completely opposite manner. Another thing is, the guy (God bless him) is rather homely, so I can't figure out why someone/ anyone (including his current wife) would find anything very attractive about him. I'm just saying. . . The liar about serving in Vietnam has a whole other problem. No one likes liars, I don't care what party you belong to, a liar is no good for anyone! So, for you Mark Souder, I hope you are able to get things right with your family and God. For you Mr. Blumenthal, just go away, no one likes to be deceived, and now is a terrible time for you to be "misspeaking" Let's see if any good men can be found for the dirty job of politics!

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