Thursday, May 6, 2010

Students Send Home For Wearing Red, White and Blue: Are You Kidding Me?

Well, I think I have heard it all now. I just read an article about some students who attend Live Oak High School in San Francisco, California who were sent home because they chose to wear t-shirts, shorts and shoes displaying the American flag and red, white and blue on May 5, the Mexican "holiday" Cinco de Mayo. The assistant principal asked the boys to turn their t-shirts inside out because they were offending some other students in the school. The offended students were of Mexican descent. The boys refused the assistant principal's request and so they were sent home. Excuse me???? This sort of stupidity and reverse discrimination, and violations of free speech are really getting on my nerves. This is the United States of America and if a kid wants to wear clothing expressing his pride in his country, then go for it. Some student was offended by the flag and colors? Please! With all the other crap that can be found on kids clothing these days, I can't believe the assistant principal had the audacity to lump the American flag into the dress code violations pile. To top it all off, one of the boys who was wearing the shirts has a father who is Mexican! Apparently the assistant principal was also Hispanic. This kind of stifling of our freedoms is really starting to get under my skin! What is happening that people are so sensitive? Normal dress codes do not allow revealing clothing, or t-shirts with guns, drugs, alcohol, or sexual references on them--those sorts of things are offensive and not conducive to learning. Thank goodness the school superintendent and school board reacted appropriately by meeting with the boys and their parents and telling them that the school was wrong in their interpretation of the dress code. God Bless America! Wear Old Glory and be proud!

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