Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kohl's Shopping Trip to Hell

I like to shop. I like to shop especially if I don't have all my kids with me. I decided to go to Kohl's Department store because I hadn't been there for awhile. I even remembered to bring my 20% off coupon with me. I was looking forward to a pleasant couple of hours browsing around the store. Pleasant was not what my experience was , however. The first place I stopped was the Junior department since I have three girls who are in that age/size range. I was terribly disappointed in the clothing that was there to choose from. Skinny jeans, sleazy tops, hole laden jeans of all washes, but not a single thing that any of my girls could or would wear. I personally don't mind the holey jeans but the dress codes at my kids schools don't allow them, so I'm not inclined to purchase something that they are only going to be able to wear on the weekends. I decided to check things out in the Misses department because I can always use something new to wear. The problem with my size clothes is that they are so old lady looking, or they simply fit me poorly. I don't know who they use for fitting the Sonoma (too tight in my thighs) brand, the Gloria Vanderbilt (too long in the crotch) brand, or the freaking Lee "Perfect Fit" brand (they don't fit me anywhere!). None of those clothes fit me. I felt like such a failure! It seems like Kohl's prices have gone up too.
Not only was I feeling like a fat slob at the store, it must have been "bring your whiny, need-to-have-a-nap toddler day" too! Every time I turned around, there was a mom dragging around a whiny, unhappy kid! One mother even walked away from her two toddlers who were wrestling around on the floor in the underwear department. She was busy talking about a Spiderman vs. Hulk costume or something on the phone and simply walked away from the brats rolling around among the underpants. At that point, I called it quits on my shopping trip. As a matter of fact, I don't think I will return to Kohl's anytime soon. It was too much like walking through the gates of hell.

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