Friday, August 14, 2009

The Pace Quickens

School started yesterday, so now the whole pace of life speeds up. We get up earlier and try to squeeze as much as we can out of the day. It feels like it is just too "early" to start school up. Mid August in Indiana is always hot and humid. We have had a cool and dry summer, but now it is starting to heat up. The high school is in the middle of a huge construction project so the kids don't have air conditioning, nor do they have regular lunches. What a mess! My oldest came home a sweaty mess yesterday. It must be difficult to concentrate when you've had a crappy lunch and sweat is dripping into your eyes!
In addition to the transition into the school year, I had a job interview with another school system that is hiring. The job is part-time, and is in the Special Education department, but I thought it could work for me since the hours are basically during the time all my kids are in school. It would be a big adjustment for the family though. Six hours of the day without me being able to run errands, do laundry, clean, mow, and take kids to appointments will make a big wave in the family ocean! I don't know if I can handle it. I guess if I am offered the job, I will have to figure all that other stuff out and move ahead. Happy changes!

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