Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New Dark Circle Product

Here I go again, posting about the same old thing: dark circles under my eyes. I was feeling not too bad about them recently because I have been going to the pool and getting a little sun on my face, so the circles don't seem so dark right now; however, we went to a family reunion and some guy whom I have never liked said "Hey, how did you get two black eyes?" I was so embarrassed! What could I say? I wanted to go and hide under a rock! Today I saw an ad for a product I have not seen before. It is called Kumaara. Of course it is the usual deal of "free trial" and the usual pictures of before and after. Anyway, the stuff is $5.95 for the "free" 60 day trial. If you like it, you keep it and if you don't, they claim you can send it back and won't be billed for the remaining balance. The 60 day supply costs $99.95. Ugh! Once you are on the billing cycle, you all know how that goes. . . Anyway, I thought maybe some brave soul might have tried it. Perhaps it is worth the hundred bucks. Curse these dark circles!

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