Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Brooke White the New Amy Grant?

Call me crazy, but I think Brooke White, the super sweet, smooth voiced, singer on this season's "American Idol" is the younger, blonder version of Amy Grant. If you watch the show, and you are familar with both singers, I think you will understand what I mean. Amy Grant has that warm, smooth tone to her voice. It just makes you feel good; feel like singing along with her. Brooke White has a similar quality to her voice as well. They also both have that endearing sort of onstage awkward humaness about them. So, I think that Brooke, no matter how far she goes in the American Idol contest, will probably have a bright singing future ahead of her. Hopefully, she is as kind and sweet in real life as she seems on the show. Take a look at these pictures and see if you can see what I mean.

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