Friday, March 14, 2008

Cavity Fighting Candy!

Heard a news piece about a Professor Weyoun Shi at UCLA who has found a way to prevent cavities by sucking on a lollipop! The lollipop he has been working on contains licorice root extract that is known in Chinese medicine to kill the bacteria that causes dental decay. This is a great idea and hopefully will catch on. Professor Shi believes it can help low income children, people in Third World countries, the elderly, and everyone else who wants to maintain good dental hygiene. The FDA doesn't not have to approve this lollipop because it contains only all natural ingredients--licorice is safe! If it gains the support of a major company, it could be a boon to all dental health practioners. There is a catch, however; you have to eat a lollipop twice a day (morning and at bedtime) for ten days and then when you are done with that, all you need is one every 2 to 4 years. Of course brushing your teeth at least two times a day and seeing a dentist regularly is also a must. Another good thing, the lollipop does not taste like licorice, so even those who don't like black jellybeans won't be bothered by the flavor! Way to go Professor Shi! Let's hope this idea is one that really takes off!

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