Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Worst Television Show--The Bachelor

Okay, I have to admit that I have been watching "The Bachelor". I don't know why either. It sort of is like rubber necking at a crash scene. Watching feels so wrong, but it is fascinating. Everyone seems to really like this Jason Mesnick character. There is something really wrong about the whole premise of the show. Of course it isn't really reality, but there is an element of reality in it. I just think that there is some sort of flaw that is in Mr. Mesnick, and I think it is rather telling that he majored in Psychology in college. How is it that a fellow who by all outward appearances is a great father, has a loving family, has a great job yet has such problems with relationships with women? Apparently his first wife is a model/fashion designer wannabe. I wondered what kind of woman would allow her three year old son to be a part of this charade--from what I read about her, she doesn't seem the motherly type and Jason has been raising the boy by himself since 2006. If the boy is three, that means that he has been raising him since he was an infant. Tough job, to say the least, why would he put himself out there like he has by being on The Bachelor? I think Melissa should count her lucky stars that she didn't get any further in the relationship with Jason than she did. He did a terrible thing to her and it was all on television for voyeurs (like me) to see. Jason probably should fix his flaw (whatever that is) before he jumps into a relationship with anyone. If I were Molly, I would be very careful about getting too involved with Jason. He seems very nice, and very sensitive, but has some sort of inner turmoil that is messing him up. I don't think I will be watching "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette" again. The show, while entertaining, is really just filled with too much hurt. This time, it seems that everyone got hurt, and it just isn't worth my time to watch.

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