Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dark Circles Making Me Ugly!

I have had it! I am so sick of these ugly dark circles under my eyes! I have written posts about them before and one of my posts was about Hydrolize, which none of my readers has actually tried because it is so darn expensive! I have also tried Hylexin, Stri-Vectin SD, vitamin K, Oil of Olay eye treatment, and others that I can't remember right now. I am so discouraged! I am looking uglier by the day. NOTHING HELPS! I know that these circles run in my family. My mother has them, her sisters have them, my grandmother had them, and believe it or not, an old picture from the 1800's reveals that my great-grandmother had them. Ugh! Why did I have to inherit this ugliness! I don't even think there is anything a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon could do to help me, and anyway, I couldn't afford that. I can't even afford the creams that are out there. Please, please, if someone out there knows of a way to get rid of these dark circles--one that really works--please let me know. I am tired of looking like a raccoon!

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