Friday, April 18, 2008

Ain't Nobody Happy

Do you ever feel like you just can't do right by your kids and husband? I swear, everytime I try to make plans for my family to do something fun together, a monkey wrench gets thrown into the works. For example, my oldest daughter's school is putting on a stage production of "Willy Wonka" this weekend. The school has been working on it for the whole year, practically, and high school musicals are just fun to go to, so I had her buy tickets. In addition to this, I was trying to be nice and had my eight year old invite one of her friends to go along with us. We invited her friend to ride the bus home, go to the show, and just spend the night since it was probably going to be late when the thing ended. So, all the plans were set, we purchased the tickets (all $70.00 worth) last week and everyone was up for going. Monday, the mother of the little girl that was going with us called and wanted to change the plans we had made because she wanted her daughter to come home after the show--okay--she was still to ride the bus home and go to the show with us. By Wednesday, the mom calls back and cancels the whole thing. Now I am stuck with a ten dollar ticket that was going to be wasted. I asked my second oldest daughter if she had a friend who might want to go, and she called a girl, but she couldn't go. Fine! I was starting to get a little ticked. Yesterday, my second oldest said another one of her friends would like to go. Yeah! We call, I talk to the mom and make arrangements for her daughter to go with us. Finally, it looks like at least I will not have wasted $10.00, so things were looking up. Here we are today, the day of the show and it is 3:30 and my dear, darling husband calls and tells me he might not be able to get away in time to go to the show with us. I'm back to wasting the $10.00 again! I swear I will never try to arrange a fun time for my family. All it does is stress me out, waste my money and "ain't nobody happy!" It just isn't worth it >:(

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