Wednesday, June 4, 2008

KidZui Internet for Kids Available Today-Free!

Just out today is a great way for kids aged 3-12 to "surf the net" safely. Since I have three children who fall into that age range, it sounds like a really great site for them. The online service is free and has been reviewed by professionals and parents so that parents who have an account can feel confident that the sites their children are visiting are kid-friendly. My youngest daughter has tried to follow her fifteen-year-old sister's trips into the internet by logging onto by herself. I enjoy a funny video on YouTube now and then, but I certainly don't want my six-year-old venturing into that area without restrictions and supervision. It sounds like KidZui will be just what I need for my younger children. If you are interested in checking out what the site has to offer, you can visit at Have fun!

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