Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Truth-telling & Snopes.com

I guess my dad is easily duped into believing every e-mail he receives. This morning he sent me some trash about how Barack Obama is a Muslim and how he won't put his hand over his heart for the pledge of allegiance or sing the national anthem. All of those things are easily refuted by simply typing Barack Obama into the http://www.snopes.com/ search engine. My dad knows about snopes.com and uses it, so I don't understand why he insists on sending out these crazy e-mails that intend to spread lies. My dad is above all that. I take it that he is against Obama and for McCain, because at the same time he sent me the old story about John McCain's son being deployed to Iraq. Okay, so he is serving in Iraq. It had to be expected if you are in the military, and I think it is not surprising to Senator McCain--he knows better than anyone, and he continues to be all gung-ho war. I'm not moved in anyway to change my mind about which candidate I am going to support by my dad's little trick of juxtaposing those e-mails. Nice try, Dad, but you know better!

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