Monday, February 23, 2009

Ugh, I've Got the Common Cold!

Yuck! I hate getting a cold. This particular cold is pretty virulent. I stayed in bed all day yesterday, which is such an insult to me. I HATE being sick! I had to go to the grocery store today because the kids have to have something to eat, and I was one of "those" people at the store. You know the ones. They are hacking and choking and snotting all over the place. They are the ones you try to steer clear of and roll your eyes at when you are at the store. I probably looked as bad as I sounded. My eyes were watering and I had this horrible tickle on my left tonsil that would not be appeased. I wanted to look at the baked goods because I thought the girls might like a little treat, but that darn tickley tonsil made me have a coughing fit so bad I though I was going to pass out. I had to get out of that place as quickly as I could. This cold is so bad, Zicam (which usually works for me) didn't help, and I actually took some Vicks NyQuil pills of my husband's that I found in the drawer. At least the Vicks helped me sleep--I think. I'm not sure any of the cold remedies (except for Zicam that you use right when you feel the first tickle in your throat) really work, I sure wish they did though. I hate being slowed down. I think I'll go take a nap with a box of tissues.

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