Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Way to Make My Day!

Not to brag today, but I got quite a compliment when I was out running my errands. Just a week and a half before my 45th birthday, I get a young guy giving me a compliment. Here's how it went. I was walking up to the hopping and very chic Rite-Aid store in our little town and there was a young, pretty nice looking, fellow unloading his truck in front of the store. I have on my very favorite ensemble of my dark Lucky Brand jeans, and a comfortable Lucky Brand shirt, and I am just walking up to the store. That young man kept staring at me; I looked behind me but there was nobody there. He stopped and said, "Man, I love your walk!" I look around again, and giggle and say, "Thanks." I'm not sure what to make of the whole thing. I have been trying to work on my posture, and I have been having some trouble with my left knee, so. . . maybe my walk is something to see. Perhaps he was kidding, I don't know, but at the rate I'm going, I'm going to take it as a compliment that my 45 year old gait is a good thing. Thanks, for making me smile and giggle today, delivery boy, uh man!

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