Friday, March 19, 2010

Health Care Bill Worries Me

I don't know about you, but the way this health care bill is being rammed through is making me quite nervous. Senators changing their minds after meeting with President Obama seems awfully fishy to me. Do these Senators not have backbones? Are they being threatened in some way? That is not to say that I am totally against reforming our health care system. There are certainly things that could be improved, but this complete overhaul is too much too soon. Sure, there are people who need reform now, but why in the world, with something this important--our health, our very lives--would any of us be okay with agreeing to this slipshod mess. No one understands it, no one knows what is truly in it. Why not go about changing things by taking out the most crucial part, examining it, and finding ways to fix it rather doing everything all at once. If you were sick with a severe case of strep throat, would you allow doctors to cut your head off to cure it? Certainly not! If you car has a flat tire, would you allow a mechanic to take the engine out? No, of course not. This whole health care bill is just too much. I was taught that when I do something, I need to take my time and make sure the job is done right. Rushing through something just to say you got it done means nothing. Rushing through something such as the health care reform could be disastrous. Don't politicians have any common sense at all?

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