Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What a Life!

My 93 year old grandmother passed away this morning at 8:15. It is sad, but also a relief because her little body was just not functioning well. She lived a great life. She and my grandpa made a dapper couple and even though they were never rich, they lived a nice, comfortable life. I remember when my sister and I were little girls sleeping over at my grandparent's house, my sister and I would call to my grandma to come and sing to us before we fell asleep. I don't remember all the songs, but one was "Froggy Went A'Courtin', and "Write My Name With a Golden Pen." The golden pen song puzzled me a bit because I thought she meant "pin" not "pen" I knew that it had something to do with going to heaven and meeting Jesus, and making sure your name was written in the Book of Life, but I could only picture a golden diaper pin when she sang the song. . . I must have had diapers on my mind because my brother was a baby at the time.  The funny thing is, that we are having a gray and cloudy morning here, but right around 8:15, the clouds broke for a few minutes and the sun shone brightly through the clouds. Makes me think my granny was on her way to check for her name in the Book of Life! Anyway, I am feeling a lot of different things right now. Sadness is one thing, but happiness for my grandma because she is free. Life won't be the same without her, so now we will have to figure out what the new normal is for us. Grandma was the constant in all of our lives and she will be missed something awful for awhile.

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