Sunday, March 14, 2010

I Hate Daylight Savings Time!!!

Just a quick entry today. I hate Daylight Savings Time. It is stupid and really doesn't help anyone. Now I am going to be tired and cranky and my kids are going to have to wait for the bus in the dark tomorrow morning. Being a stubborn Hoosier, I liked things the way they were back before Mitch (the dark prince) Daniels became our governor. He crammed the DST thing through during his first week a governor. The citizens of Indiana ended up losing sleep and money in the whole deal. Let's face it, the excuse(s) for changing to DST were pretty flimsy: 1. To lower crime rates, 2, So it would be easier to do business with the surrounding states 3. so that Indiana would no longer be one of only two states (now I think only Arizona is left) that doesn't observe the time change. Not one of the those excuses has benefited anyone that I know of. The other thing I hate about Daylight Savings Time is that it is light and bright well past nine o'clock in the evening, but no stores stay open past that time. Everyone is raring to go, but there is nothing to do. Sorry, Benjamin Franklin, you had lots of good ideas in your time, but DST was one of the most ill-conceived, idiotic and unhealthy ideas you came up with.

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