Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Patrick Dempsey Doll

Since I have a house full of girls, I was considering taking them all to see the new movie, "Enchanted". The Disney Channel has really been pushing this thing and the girls think it looks good. I am rather neutral about it, but what I find interesting is, as a fortysomething mom, that a forty-one year old man has a doll made in his image that is being marketed to little girls. I just find it a little creepy. They did a better than average job capturing Mr. Dempsey's charming looks, but I'm still a little creeped out by it. Maybe it is because there has only really been Ken and the GI Joe guys that have been seen on store shelves all these years. Maybe something else that is hanging me up on the doll is that I know how old the actor is. There is just something weird about letting a six year old girl play with a 41 year old man doll. I would rather buy the doll for myself. The other thing is that I haven't seen any dolls of actresses who are in their forties being sold at Target stores. The whole thing is odd to me.

1 comment:

Hippopop said...

Just a little post-script to this entry. We took the girls to see "Enchanted" this weekend, and Patrick Dempsey is a doll, but my six-year-old will not be getting the doll of him. Good movie, but still creeped out by the doll.