Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Can't Stop Spending Money!

Today, the bad news is that Americans have hit a new low in their view of the economy. The outlook hasn't been this negative in twenty-two years, so "they" say. I know things are bad. I know that my own situation isn't great, but certainly not as bad as others. It makes me sick that my husband makes a six-figure income, and yet we seem to always be scrambling to have the cash necessary for the everyday things. Gasoline prices have certainly taken their toll on our bank account, so has the cost of feeding a family of six. Nothing seems easy lately, except spending money. I don't understand it. I know things are not good, but I still seem to be spending money. It seems like each thing requires that another thing be purchased. For example, we have this new house, and in order to make it look good and in order to take care of it, I have had to purchase rugs to protect the hardwood floors, plants, trees and flowers to put around the outside of it, paint for the rooms. . . it seems like it never ends. The other big expense has been our trip to Florida this summer. We have been planning this thing for two years. Before we have even gone, we have spent money on airline tickets, rented a condo for the week, purchased Disney World tickets, and spent money on bathing suits and small toiletries to take with us. When we get there, we will need to purchase food, and gasoline, etc., etc., Do see what I mean? If it is this way for my family, who is indeed blessed richly, what is it like for those who do not have the income my husband does? We Americans seem to be getting awfully weary of the dismal state of things. We need good news and hope, and soon!

1 comment:

cube said...

I think part of the problem lies in the media reports about the economy, not necessarily the economy. They make things sound worse than they are when a republican is in office, and they make things sound better than they are when a democrat is in office or they want to get one elected to office.