Friday, February 8, 2008

David Shuster is a Jerk!

What would possess someone to talk like that? His remark about the Clinton's "pimping" their Chelsea is just uncalled for! Once again, "news reporters" show that they are not impartial. It seems like they just let all sorts of trash pour out of their mouths and then they think that just saying they are sorry should fix everything. MSNBC and all other news outlets should be more careful when they are hiring and training their reporters. It is getting tiresome to hear them talk so much trash. Apparently, this particular news station favors Obama, but there is no call for rudeness. There is enough of that in the world. Grow up Mr. Shuster!

By the way, if you read the transcript of his "apology" to the Clinton family, it sounds as though everything he is saying is only being said sarcastically and that he really isn't sorry for what he said. In fact, I would venture a guess that David Shuster is quite pleased with himself for digging at the Clintons. He is now suspended, but he will probably be back on the job soon.

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