Friday, February 8, 2008

February 8, 2008--Most Boring Day

I have now unofficially proclaimed that today, Friday February 8, 2008 as the most boring day so far this year. There is absolutely nothing going on either locally or globally that has captured anyone's interest. I like to check out Google Trends to see what searches and subjects are "hot" to see if there is anything worth blogging about. Today, when I checked out Google Trends, I clicked on the number one subject listed and it was only mild on the hottness list. I actually went through the entire list of 100 top searches for today, and none of them registered anything but mild interest. Don't get me wrong, a calm, rather boring day here and there is okay. We can't have things happening all the time, we probably couldn't handle it. Today is the kind of day just ripe for something big to happen. Gee, I hope it will be something good!

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