Thursday, February 21, 2008

Politics & Sex Scandals: Do They Matter?

This morning we woke up to "news" of a possible affair that John McCain might have had with a lobbyist named Vicki Iseman. We also are hearing rumblings of Hillary Clinton having an affair with a personal assistant, Huma Abedin. Whether or not these sorts of stories are true, they beg the question: "Do they matter?" Our country has been through all this junk before and it seems not to have had a real impact on the political process. I just wonder why all this stuff has to be dredged up. Does it matter? In some respects, the lobbyist thing might matter insomuch as McCain could grant favors, but some of the other stuff doesn't really matter. Way back when the "news" media had much less of a grudge against us all, none of politicians affairs were known, and there had to be some. Sometimes I think there is nothing to be gained from putting all this past trash out there when the purpose seems to be just to destroy a candidate personally.

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