Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nation of Immigrants: Yes! Nation of Illegal Immigrants: No!

Okay, this is something that absolutely needs to be thrown onto my trash heap for thought. This is something that has been bugging me for awhile now, and now that we live near a state that is truly struggling with this issue, I need to address it. Last night the news was about the state of Maryland trying to pass legislation in attempt to curb illegal immigrant activity. This issue is starting to go the twisted way of the Iraq war. Do you remember how the Bush administration justified attacking Iraq because of the attacks on September 11? Iraq did not orchestrate the attacks, but somehow the politicians, and the news media twisted things into one issue. The same thing seems to be happening with immigrants and illegal immigrants. There is a difference! America is a country built on immigrants and all they have to offer. Come to America to have a better life, to be free to pursue life, liberty and happiness. All of this is true, but do not come here under cover of darkness, across borders that you should not be crossing and expect to have the same rights and privileges as those who have come and followed the right path to get here. If I were an immigrant who entered the country through legal means and followed all the right ways of becoming a citizen, I would be outraged toward those who are trying to receive the same benefits without going through the legal ways to get here. I agree that some of the rules of becoming a legal citizen may need to be revised and that the process might need to be streamlined, but who would want to start their lives off in a new country by illegal means? With all the demands the illegals are making of us, it seems that they are disrespectful of the laws and rules, and the citizens of the very country they are wanting to be a part of. Do it the right way! Don't break the rules and expect to be treated as though you are welcome if you disregard the laws of our country! Immigrants, yes! Illegal immigrants no! There is a difference.

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