Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!

Today is New Year's Day for the Chinese! Happy New Year! It is also the Year of the Rat. I am not Chinese, but I do eat a fair amount of Chinese food. I have been known to read the placemat on my table in a Chinese restuarant from top to bottom. Because I routinely read the placemats at Chinese restuarants, I know that my mom was born during the Year of the Rat; in 1936, maybe this will be a lucky year for her. I have also learned that the animal mascots for the Chinese Calendar are repeated every twelve years. In my extensive placemat reading, I have also learned that the descriptions of people born during the different years have a lot of truth to them. Mine always states that I tend to "apply myself whole-heartedly; have high standards for myself and others, and get frustrated with others when they cannot keep up" with me. All of this happens to be true of my personality. I was born during the Year of the Dragon, in 1964. So anyway, to all of you who are celebrating the New Year, happy 4705!

If you would like to see what your Chinese horoscope has to say about you, please visit

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