Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Clinton/Obama Ticket Anyone?

It is still too early for me to decide whom I will vote for. I am an Independent, and there are so many candidates to choose from. There are a couple that I have definitely decided against. First, Rudy Guiliani. I just don't think he has anything to offer. Second, Mitt Romney, I just don't like him. He seems too slick and polished. So, that leaves a whole bunch of others to choose from. I like John McCain; he seems to be a real person and has a sense of humor. Mike Huckabee is interesting just because I like to say his last name--it's fun--try it, it will make you smile! He also is about the only one who has a really big idea--getting rid of income taxes--I don't think it will work, but the idea is new and a good one. John Edwards is just plain cute and I just like him, but he may be one of the weaker candidates. Hillary Clinton seems ready. She's a different person than when she was First Lady. She seems to really care about the future of our country and it is high time we had a woman president! Barack Obama is intriguing too. It is high time a black American was president! He is a bit of a mystery and his name, unfortunately sounds like the name of our country's enemies. He is a definite contender in my book, though. I think for me, the ideal presidential ticket would be Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton. Get them together and our country could be headed in the right direction!

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