Saturday, January 12, 2008

Joe 4 Oil Program Commercial

While I am on the commercial bandwagon, I have to say that probably the most irritating commercial on television these days is the Citizens Energy dealio with the former senator Joe Kennedy touting his heating oil program for low income citizens. The whole thing is a mess. First of all he is very condescending in the commercial. Second, he gives the example of a woman who supposedly organized and ran a program in her church that helped needy people get heating assistance, but when she ended up needing assistance, the woman didn't know what to do. That just doesn't make sense! How contrived is that? The other thing is that he seems to want to make the viewer think that "the people" of Venezuela have, out of the kindness of their hearts, donated their excess oil to the poor people of America. Bull roar! The people of Venezuela probably don't have a clue that America even has poor people! The Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez called our president the devil and seems not to have any compassion for anyone but himself. The commericial just really makes me sick. I truly feel bad about the low income folks who are having a hard time keeping warm. Those of us who are able to heat our homes can't imagine what that would be like. Also, I am not stupid enough believe that the oil I use for my home and car is not from Venezuela, but the idea that the people of Venezuela and the man who is leading their country have any sort of feeling of goodwill toward our people is ludicrous! How dare Joe Kennedy exploit the poor like that!

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