Monday, January 14, 2008

Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus and the Body Double

My girls, all four of them, love Miley Cyrus and her character, Hannah Montana. The Hannah Montana television show is a staple at our house. I'll bet I've watched every episode at least three times. I think it is a good show. It is funny and entertaining for all of my girls, and for me, there is Billy Ray Cyrus. Now comes word that Miley Cyrus tried to dupe people who paid good money for her onstage show. When will the media ever let up on this kind of stupid reporting? Why do people expect so much from celebrities? Of course when you pay a lot of hard earned money on tickets, you expect to get a good, entertaining show, but it is ridiculous to be crying foul for such an innocuous thing as a body double being used to stand in for Miley during a less than two minute costume change. That sort of thing probably happens more often than we realize. Why are entertainment "reporters" and paparazzi so hellbent on ruining a person who is in the entertainment industry? It seems to be almost a sickness that everything out there that is even a tiny bit good has to be peed on by the gossip mongers. I just hate it!

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